Thomas Auzinger is the head of the spin-off project AutoMold at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) and a TWIST Fellow of the same institution. Before, he was postdoctoral researcher in Computational Fabrication at ISTA in the group of Prof. Bernd Bickel. He received B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in mathematical physics from the University of Vienna and he has a PhD degree in Computer Graphics from the TU Wien. He has entrepreneurial training from the I.E.C.T. Summer School and the Innovator’s Road Program of the Ludwig Boltzmann Society.
Based on research results on automated mold design, he is currently leading the business development of AutoMold to bring this innovation to the industrial tool design market. His previous research interests were in the area of (nano)fabrication-oriented computational design for mechanical and optical applications, which were published in top-tier journals. Thomas Auzinger has been working on a wide range of topics from visual computing, such as anti-aliasing, medical visualization, and modeling.
He was a Program Committee Member of Pacific Graphics 2016, the Short Paper track of Eurographics 2020, and co-organizer of the Symposium of Computational Fabrication 2016. Thomas Auzinger gave lectures on rendering and visualization at TU Wien and ISTA and he held invited courses on computational fabrication and GPU programming at international venues.